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Many Worlds: The Unwrittenverse by SiriuslyPeeved
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Summary: The continuing AU story of what could have been, if Snape had reached Godric's Hollow in time. Halloween 1981 - ? Snape/Lily romance, Death Eaters, Aurors, Hogwarts professors, Marauders, and the Dursleys cross paths in different ways.
Categories: Romance, Harry Potter, Angst, AU, Pre-Hogwarts
Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, AU, Drama, Horror, Mystery/Suspense, Romance
Ships: James/Lily, Narcissa/Lucius, Severus/Lily, Sirius/OC
Warnings: Alcohol Use/Abuse, Contains Spoilers, Drug Use/Abuse, Sensitive Subject, Sexual Content, Strong Adult Language, Strong Adult Romance, Strong Adult Violence
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 2
Series Type: Closed

Unwritten by SiriuslyPeeved

Rated: MA18+ • 25 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Unwritten: Banner
Marked for death by Lord Voldemort, Lily and her son escape with the aid of Dark magic. Sirius and Hagrid vow to find Harry and track down Severus Snape, whom they believe to be his mother's murderer. Lily tries to come to terms with James' loss while protecting her child, and Snape wrestles with guilt and temptation. The prophecy has divided; destiny writes on a blank page.

Rowan and Phoenix by SiriuslyPeeved

Rated: MA18+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star

AU: Sequel to Unwritten. Lily Potter tries to come to terms with James's murder while raising Harry on her own. As Severus and Lily unravel the mystery of Voldemort's defeat and Melora Spring's cursed scar, Lily must reconcile her grief with her growing feelings for Severus. Bellatrix Lestrange plots her revenge while sheltering her young nephew, Draco Malfoy.

Severus/Lily, Hagrid/Dorcas Meadowes, Sirius/OC