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Reviews For Frozen Dinners

Name: SiriuslyPeeved (Signed) · Date: 22/07/2010 04:28 pm · Chapter: Frozen Dinners
This is a seamless fit with the HBP chapter: bravo. I was a little surprised when Arthur called Percy "stupid": goes to show how unstrung the whole family had come over Percy!

Author's Response: Desperate times called for desperate measures, I guess. I could just see Arthur getting fed up with Percy's attitude. Thanks so much for reviewing!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 30/07/2009 04:25 am · Chapter: Frozen Dinners

Well, you just let us be the "fly on the wall" for a bit of drama in the Weasley kitchen. 

And Percy, the world class git, really DOESN'T get it, does he?  Arthur is dead right about Percy and fast enough to stop a real nasty fight from happening.

But, bless Fred's devious little mind, he thought of the perfect "parting shot".


Loved it! 

Author's Response: I'm so glad! I still don't like Percy, but I think I understand him a little better now. He just went about getting what he wanted the wrong way. He did come to his senses in the end. I love Arthur. He's a great father, and an overall good man. As angry and hurt as he was with Percy, he would never allow his children to do something they'd regret later. I don't think Fred ever regretted the parsnips. :) Thanks for reviewing!

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