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Reviews For Seven Deadly Sins

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 17/03/2012 12:58 pm · Chapter: Chapter 5: Lust

Oh my, now I'm hot. And no one to roll my sleeves up! hehe...you see where lust will get you?!

Author's Response:

Barbara nailed it perfectly. But then, she does know what a female Black wants, doesn't she? She really liked your feedback and so did I. Thanks from the both of us!

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 17/03/2012 12:56 pm · Chapter: Chapter 4: Greed

Wow, another amazing piece. You see so little of "Reggie", and this is a great, short capture of what he might have been.

Author's Response:

Gemma, my other guest author, is amazing, even if she's only fifteen. You should read her original stories on Wattpad.

RAB has been a little-known character in the books, until know. I really think somethink like that must have happened on that particular day at Grimmauld Place.

We both thank you humbly for your review.

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 17/03/2012 12:52 pm · Chapter: Chapter 3: Wrath

Now that's an UA that would be cool to see filmed! Dirty Harry, so to speak! Voldemort made his day. Wow. What a read.

Author's Response:

I think Harry was bound to turn into Dark!Harry at a certain point, but JKR decided to keep him pure, just as she had previously decided not to make a Messianistic figure of him and have him killed in the last minute and disposed of Remus and Tonks instead. 

This is what you get when the levee breaks and there is no way back.

I'm now officially speechless... many thanks for your warm, encouraging words!

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 17/03/2012 12:45 pm · Chapter: Chapter 2: Envy

Excellent capture of the scene that the movie failed to do justice to, in my opinion. I would much rather have liked to have seen this scenario played out.

Author's Response:

Although you most probably meant to post this to chapter #3, it still means a lot to me. Thanks for your continued support!

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 17/03/2012 12:38 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1: Pride

Very cool! What more can I say? And we just watched this one on ABC Family tonight, too!

Author's Response:

You have already left a review to this one, but all your reviews are equally cherished and appreciated. David Tennant is responsible here for one of the most remarkable actor performances in the series, be it for a few short scenes only. 

Name: morgana (Signed) · Date: 13/04/2009 02:22 am · Chapter: Chapter 3: Wrath
Oh, wow! I can't believe you dedicated this chapter to me! Thanks soooo much.

I'm sorry I didn't review sooner but I have had visitors for a few days and I did hardly get a chance to get online until today.

I was very impressed with this chapter. It sees Harry in a slight different light but, rather importantly, although he appears a lot less remorseful than in canon, he feels guilty in the end. I always thought that he was bound to cast the AK in the end and I thought despite showing us the horrors of war, Jo spared her golden boy's innocence by using expelliarmus instead. The chances of that working sounded to me remote, to be honest, so it was very interesting to see a story where the author is more or less of my opinion.

It's very nicely written and I just loved the final paragraph.

Well done and thanks sooo much!!!

Hugs x

Author's Response:

Dearest Vic,

I couldn't have anybody else for this take on Harry, could I? He's all yours, as long as I can have Hermione :) * drool *

Yes, I was plainly scared to have put Harry so much OOC. My series is all about the point of no return. For Harry it was when he understood Teddy being yet another orphan, when he made the parallel with his own miserable orphan life. There, he lost it.

I always thought the ending of the book was kind of lame, at least from a wizarding prospective. Add the questionable "enjoyment" of listening to Stephen Fry on the audiobook :( EWH!

Evil had to be eradicated. Full stop.

Thanks for this marvellous review!


Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 06/04/2009 08:46 pm · Chapter: Chapter 3: Wrath
A good, violent take on an alternate universe that could have been - and wasn't. Or was it - but only in Harry's mind's eye? Perhaps we will never know. That said, I very much enjoyed the uncharacteristic thirst for vengeance you portray here - and I generally don't like AU!

Author's Response: Hi again, Yes, this OOC twist on Harry's mind was deliberately chosen. There was this point in the story - when he saw Fred, Tonks and Remus lying there dead and thought of Teddy, whose parents were taken from him just like his parents had been killed before - when something had snapped inside him. That was his point of no return. Was it a thirst for vengeance? Was it a desperate will to get rid of this evil for good? It's all arguable. But that's why AU is there ... read, think, create your own vision and understanding. Thanks for your wonderful review and see you around! Zoltan

Author's Response: Hi again, Yes, this OOC twist on Harry's mind was deliberately chosen. There was this point in the story - when he saw Fred, Tonks and Remus lying there dead and thought of Teddy, whose parents were taken from him just like his parents had been killed before - when something had snapped inside him. That was his point of no return. Was it a thirst for vengeance? Was it a desperate will to get rid of this evil for good? It's all arguable. But that's why AU is there ... read, think, create your own vision and understanding. Thanks for your wonderful review and see you around! Zoltan

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 06/04/2009 08:37 pm · Chapter: Chapter 2: Envy
Good capture of Petunia, and the interplay between Sev and Lily was just as well done as canon. Petunia's venom couldn't have been done better, I think.

Author's Response:

Hi again :)

Thanks for this wonderful review. In this take I tried to stick as close to canon as possible. The fates of Severus and Lily couldn't have been more tragic, here they're only two 11-year old children, completely unaware of their futures. I wanted to depict their innocency and I'm glad my readers find my attempts worthy.


Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 06/04/2009 07:35 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1: Pride
Very good! I especially liked the ending, and how it trailed off. I hope the rest of the series is as good as this opener!

Author's Response:

Thank you, thank you :) The ending was creepy, I have to admit. With regards to the next two installments, you have to decide for yourself. Still four installments to go, but now I'm busy writing other stuff.



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 25/03/2009 05:32 am · Chapter: Chapter 2: Envy

Petunia . . .  just before the rot sets in . . . the last calm before the storm  . . .  showing some feelings for her sister ???????  Is this possible?  Maybe, but from here on, it's going to be a resentment built on those old feeling of jealousy and poor self worth. 

Poor Petunia.  Poor Lily.  Poor Severus.

Okay, that's enough, I may hurl!

Petunia was a selfish, maniulative, vindictive little girl and she turned her hatred of her sister into an art form.  I don't for a minute think she cried one tear or wasted even half a thought about her sister.  The only reason she took Harry in was that she was very well aware of what Dumbledore could do or that he would use magic towards her, without hesitation, and that scared the living crap out of her.  SO she did the bare minimum for Harry to keep Albus off her back.  Personally I think she sould have explained to Vernon that the letters being sent to Harry around  his 11th birthday meant they'd soon be rid of him!  DUH!   Missed opportunity there, huh?


Author's Response: Hi again, And again, a minor, but not less important and not less complex character, Petunia Evans. I had more headache with this chapter, than with the first one. Finally, I decided for this "fragmented" layout showing separate events; I like writing this way, instead of writing one story line. One of my favourite scenes of the books was when Dumbledore sent a Howler to Petunia :) ONWARD? Well, Chapter 3: Wrath is almost done, with an OOC Harry in the main role, and Chapter 4: Lust is progressing well, for a change, no Dramione :) Check out my other stories as well I'm going to put up soon! Thanks for your wonderful reviews. They made my day. Zoltan

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 25/03/2009 05:21 am · Chapter: Chapter 1: Pride

That sent chills down my spine.  Barty Crouch, Jr. was a crazy, demented loony-toon, but if you think I'm going to say the even he didn't deserve this . . . eh!  . . WRONG . . . and the correct answer is: he did.  Maybe AFTER they'd gotten a statement from him, but that wasn't in JKR's plot, now, was it?

The last line reminded me of Shel Silverstein's  'I'm being eaten by a bos constrictor';  "O heck he's up to my neck, oh dread, he's up to MMNNHHGG." I have a strange sense of humor and my mind works at a slight slant.  Sorry.

Good chapter and excellent character exploration - which probably wasn't easy, as twisted as Barty Jr's mind was. 


Author's Response: Hi, Thanks for your amazing review, the very first one to this story. Barty was a genius, and an extremely slim man, having scored 12 OWLs. That's more, than Hermione! He basically united all good and bad of all four Houses: the Gryffindor bravery, the Ravenclaw wit, the Slytherin cunningness and the Hufflepuff loyality, taking all of these characters to unprecedented heights. Especially his loyality, his devotion to his Master and his ideals. He's a character one doesn't see too often in HP fanfic, but he's worth writing about, even if it's extremely difficult. I have rewritten this chapter maybe five or six times. Therefore I'm extremely glad it had worked out and my Barty turned out believable. ONWARD! Definitely!

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