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Reviews For Life in the Cellar

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 12/06/2008 05:14 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
I really do enjoy your original fiction.  You're a great storyteller.  I hope you will continue on with this story.  I'd like to see more of it.  I liked how both Dayna and the bride were escaping from their mothers in the bathroom.  And Jamie seems like a good guy.  Do I sense a romance in the air, despite his poor fashion sense?  Please post more.

Author's Response: This story has now got a plot outline in my head and i think it is actually going to take a different turn from where it started. Unfortunately I had a great clear image in my head for chapter 1 but then it disappated and I was left with this and nothing else. After some hard thinking and plotting ... I am hoping to continue it and I am thrilled that you like it.

Name: morgana (Signed) · Date: 14/05/2008 09:36 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
This is a wonderful story! Ive not written original for a long time but this was better than Bridget Jones, by far!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! This poor story started out so strong for me and now i am not sure where to go with it...I have had some ideas but we will have to see how it turns out! Thanks again I am glad you enjoyed it!

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