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Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 12/06/2008 04:50 pm · Chapter: Costume Catastrophe
Oh, you must update this story very quickly, please.  I have to know what Fred and George are going to do with the hot pants now.  The visual of Dumbledore in all of his hot pants glory and Snape in all his hot pants horror  still has me giggling.  I love how somehow Ginny and Hermione seem to always miss the escapades of their pants while the rest of the school has front row seats, lol.  Please finish this story!

Author's Response: Fred and George + Hot pants = .... well more craziness. We have half of the next chapter written but unfortunately life has gotten a little crazy for both Jax and I so it may be a while before we can get it finished. But we adore this story so I am sure that it will get done someday! Thanks for you sweet reviews ginwannabe, you are amazing!!!

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 12/06/2008 05:27 am · Chapter: Too Much Revealed
Oh my goodness...just the thought of Dumbledore and Snape wearing those hot pants is hysterical.  I'm so tired thought, I don't think I can read the last chapter tonight.  I'll read it in the morning though.  I loved how Pansy and Millie took the horror of everyone to be admiration at first.  Typical.  Too funny.

Author's Response: With this chapter we took great pains to mirror it to the first chapter. But with a totally different outcome. I think my favourite moment in this chapter was the Neville scene...I literally cried when we were writing it. Thanks again for your wonderful reviews!

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 12/06/2008 05:11 am · Chapter: Hello...Evil
This is one of the funniest, if not completely far fetched (but isn't that what makes it funny) stories I've ever read.  The visual of Draco and Goyle trying to put the hot pants on is one that is now burned into my brain, lol. 

Author's Response: Ahh yes..this story is definitely far fetched..lol ...it is simple insanity but we had fun with it.  If anyone is looking for a canon story...they should just keep looking because nothing about this story fits with that LOL It is just craziness..but we just wanted to make people laugh even half as much as we did when we wrote it. I'm glad you are enjoying it!

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 12/06/2008 04:58 am · Chapter: Deperate House-Elves
Dumbledore Underoos!!  OMG, that's brilliantly hilarious!  I was chuckling from the moment that Harry & Ron went down to the kitchens, and laughed outright when Harry showed up with Underoos (I had Wonder Woman, btw, my cousins had Batman and Superman and we used to run around the farm in our underwear...ahhhh, the memories).  I laughed so hard I had tears coming down when Winky started talking with the picture of Dumbledore on her bum.  Oh, I can't wait to see what happens with Malfoy and Goyle.

Author's Response: Ahh yes the Underoos.... Honestly I dont remember who came up with that one but I do remember laughing hysterically as we wrote it. And Winky talking to Dumbledore was my absolute favourite moment in this story. I couldnt type for ages after we came up with that. Thanks again for your reviews!

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 11/06/2008 04:26 am · Chapter: Revealed
LMAO! I love that Dobby thinks the pants are his and Winky's!  The reactions of all the boys...so typical of teenage boys.  I'm surprised that none of the teachers...Snape especially, didn't have something to say about them not wearing their school robes, though.  But where would the fun be in that? ;o)

Author's Response: Hehehe this story is one of my favourites...simply because of its origin. Such a ridiculous idea that ended up becoming something so fun. Jax is simply an amazing and talented writer...and insanely funny so writing with her is easy and always fun. Hopefully someday soon we can actually finish this but our lives have been busy so who knows what will happen. I will say we have at least 2 more chapters planned for this story.

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