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Reviews For Blindsided

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 08/06/2008 05:59 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1

Oh.My.God.  This is my story.  The one I haven't been able to write myself, but so vividly describes the pain I felt.  The only difference being that I don't do yoga, and my "Derek" waited until we'd been married 11 years and we had 2 children to finally realize I wasn't the one for him.  My Lynn and Sarah would be my sister and my best friend, without whom I don't know if I'd have made it through.  I don't cry easily, and I can't seem to stop right now.

He had been so important to me for so long I didn’t know how to be me without him. 


I had been completely blindsided and had had no chance at arguing my side. Who was he to decide my fate? What right does he have to destroy my life and saunter out of here leaving me with nothing but memories of our love? And memories of our relationship were all around me- pictures of the two of us and mementos of our relationship surrounded me. I couldn’t breath. Everywhere I looked was a pain filled reminder of what I had just lost. Or rather, not what I had lost, but of what had been cruelly ripped away from me.

Both of those resonate so fully with me.  This whole piece does really.  Thank you for this.  It's rather cathartic...I haven't been able to write about it myself yet, but reading this is almost as good. 

Author's Response: Thank you so much for this review, ginwannabe. First of all I am sorry that you had to go through that, no one should have to. And I am sorry that I made you cry *hands tissue* but it really means alot to me that the story resonated so deeply with you. It is a story that was not easy to write but to know that it felt real and raw to those who read ...its what I hope for when people read my work. *Hugs Ginwannabe* Thank  you so much!

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