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Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 13/06/2008 06:20 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
Wow...this is bloody brilliant!  What a vivid explanation, and totally realistic, as to how the sorting hat came to be.  I loved little Archie, building the Hog's Head and watching history unfold.  And the description of putting the spell on the hat, I could see that in my head.  And I love how you have Rowena being the manipulator, but in a good way.  Bravo!

Author's Response: Seriously...you are like my favourite person ever...thank you for your reviews! You have no idea how much it means to me that you enjoy my stories. This story was written for a writers duel on hpff and came in second place. I worked really hard on it and am glad that you liked it. Thanks again*Hugs!*

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