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Warnings: Sexual Content


The Wrong Sort by luckygurl102

Rated: MA18+ • 4 Reviews starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Banner by Amnesia at thedarkarts! Harry refused Draco Malfoy’s offer in first year, right before the sorting, right?
Wrong. Harry Potter as you know it is over. He decided to make friends. After being alone all his life, no friends, hardly a family, you can’t blame the boy, can you?
Harry goes into Slytherin, unbeknownst to him all of the history behind this house. And with this decision, he has no idea what life he threw himself into. Draco becomes his friend, and who knew what a simple handshake could cause the Wizarding World, as we know it to change completely.

The Beginning Of All Beginnings by datbenik513

Rated: MA18+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: In the beginning there was Nothing, the measureless, colourless void...

Complicated Hexagon by Jessi

Rated: MA18+ • 3 Reviews starstarstarstarstar

A potion gone wrong sends Hermione back to the year 1978, right into the arms of Sirus Black and James Potter. While her heart leads her astray, time continues to turn, taking Hermione forward to view her decisions and choices before they're even made.

Numbers by datbenik513

Rated: MA18+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Our lives are ruled by numbers.

YOUR Date With Draco Malfoy by NevillesSoulmate

Rated: MA18+ • 4 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: It is four minutes to seven o’clock on February 14th, and you just can’t seem to shake the jitters. It might possibly be because it’s 1.53 degrees outside, or maybe it’s because you’re being taken out at seven on Valentine’s Day by the hottest bachelor wizard in London: Draco Malfoy.

Bad!Fanfic with a Draco/YOU pairing for the Do Your Worst Challenge. ;)

What We Believe In by datbenik513

Rated: MA18+ • 3 Reviews
Summary: Neville Longbottom in his seventh year at Hogwarts is visited by several unexpected persons, who make him rethink his ideas about the meaning of everything.

Coitus Interruptus by pookha

Rated: MA18+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Harry and Ginny try to enjoy a private moment together.

Harry Potter and the Mysteries Unveiled by morgana

Rated: MA18+ • 46 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Draco is in hiding in an unlikely place, Snape has a theory about "Muggle magic", perhaps their only hope. The hunt for the Horcruxes commences, with clues and obstacles... Allegiances change. Harry retrieves one of his own earliest memories with devastating consequences. A price has to be paid and a high one at that!

God Save the Queen by dracosgem

Rated: MA18+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Draco Malfoy is on the run from several uncaptured Death Eaters for betraying the Dark Lord in the midst of battle. He has appealed to the Order for protection and Harry Potter has agreed to hide Draco from the looming threat...IN DRAG...

Join Draco as he hides from Death Eaters, learns to deal with a set of new assets, and falls in love in the wizarding world's most exclusive gay nightclub...The Pink Thestral!!

Another Time, Another Chance by datbenik513

Rated: MA18+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Sequel to "5 Centimeters per Second".

One year passed from the moment Harry lost Hermione. Now we are following him on his way to finding himself and Hermione again...

Coming Home by juls

Rated: MA18+ • 4 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Coming home for some was a struggle, and no less was it Charlie Weasley. The Final Battle had left him in a state confusion. Battle worn, he'd fled to back to his dragons to heal. Now, a few years later, Charlie returns for Harry and Ginny's wedding. Plus maybe to claim the girl he'd left behind? (My baby gift to Devoted Secrets)

Banner by Elissandranne ll Beta'd by Jim ll Companion Fic to Circle of Love

Time to Go by Georgia Weasley

Rated: MA18+ • 6 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: gluttonytimetogo

On a rare night out without the kids, Hermione finds herslf frustrated with her inability to get Ron's attention amid the crowd of Quidditch talking friends. Finally, she discovers a sure method to turn his head.

Valentine's Day Fic Exchange by SAYS

Rated: MA18+ • 8 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: The stories in this years Valentine's Day Fic Exchange.

Glutton for Lust by Jessi

Rated: MA18+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: A resident ghost of Hogwarts voyeurs the relationship between Angelina Johnson and Vincent Crabbe.

Werewolves by Apollyon

Rated: MA18+ • 7 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
There are predators more fearsome than humans.

Defining Moments by eHPF

Rated: MA18+ • 54 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star

In every life there is a turning point, a defining moment in which a choice hangs in the balance. And when this choice is made, lives will alter, people will be forever changed, and the world will never be quite the same. We invite you to step into the lives of our most beloved characters and glimpse each pivotal decision that made them the people they have become. We present to you the eHPF Defining Moments Collaboration.

amazing banner by NevillesSoulmate

Addict by SpringTime

Rated: MA18+ • 14 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Gluttony Addict Thanks to sweet_dreamsOx from TDA for the beautiful banner. We all have that desire, that need for something. It is inside of us urging us on, moving us forward. Hermione has been heading in a downward spiral and only one person will be able to help her, but will she be able to accept help from him?
Rated Mature for a reason!!!

Redemption of Malfoy by gnilworkj

Rated: MA18+ • 69 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Photobucket
Beautiful banner courtesy of AuburnFair of TDA- Following the war, Draco is in the US and has found peace and love in the arms of a caring American witch. Hermione, Ron, Harry & Ginny have also married and found strength and love in their friendship. Families are being started and the future looks bright. Then tragedy strikes. Draco will be called upon to help the Boy Who Lived. After all, he owes him one. Will this be the redemption of Malfoy?

In a Family Way by Georgia Weasley

Rated: MA18+ • 68 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Photobucket

Join Harry as he and Ginny embark upon their greatest adventure yet. Parenthood! Watch as the impending birth of their first child changes them both. Please read and review! First fanfic! Mature rating only for a few pregnancy related language outbursts. Banner by AlchemyFreak at TDA!

A Time for War and a Time for Peace by pookha

Rated: R15+ • 4 Reviews starstarstarstarstar

A fluffy George/Angelina story, originally written for the Christmas Drabble Challenge at eHPF.

You can't always choose who you fall in love with.

Reverie by pookha

Rated: R15+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarstar

Sometimes a scent or a flash of colour is all it takes to trigger a memory.

Stupid Boy by Barbara

Rated: MA18+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarhalf-star

Banner - Stupid Boy

Hermione Granger has to watch some disguting snogging scenes in the Gryffindor common room. What is she thinking at the moment?

Song is by Pink: Stupid Girls

Classes in Seduction by Lilybean84

Rated: MA18+ • 18 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Through a turn of fate, Hermione is put in charge of Draco's care after he has an accident. If having to be around him isn't enough to drive her wild, his offer to help her get the man of her dreams will.

Before the End by SAYS

Rated: R15+ • 1 Reviews starstarstar
Summary: Harry is asleep, James is moping around, and Lily worries about many things. James and Lily, their last moments together before the end of that Halloween night. WRITTEN FOR STORYLOVER3095

Mark Me by SAYS

Rated: R15+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Most of the Wizarding world painted Lord Voldemort as an evil monster...but to Bellatrix Lestrange, he was the perfect man. Handsome and powerful, the Dark Lord took her under his wing and taught her everything she knows about dark magic. This is Bella's untold story; how she went from being a typical Slytherin student to becoming Voldemort's most loyal Death Eater.WRITTEN FOR BLUE_SUEDE_SHOES