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Warnings: Mild Adult Language

Other Results: 4 Series


Unspoken by Georgia Weasley

Rated: R15+ • 3 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: unspokengluttony

A teenage Severus seeks refuge from the storms of life at the home of his friend Lily. In the rain-darkened kitchen, they face their feelings and fears together. In the end, will they regret all the words they leave unspoken?

Scorpius Malfoy in Save the Snorkack by Bella_Portia

Rated: R15+ • 14 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star

Save the Snorkack banner

Scorpius Malfoy wants to do something important, and he wants to do it on his own.  The endangered Crumple Horned-Snorkacks need someone to prove that they're real.  Sounds like a match.  Come along as young conservationist Scorpius, aided by his cousin Teddy Lupin and herbologist Neville Longbottom, venture into an arctic wilderness to Save the Snorkack.    This wonderful banner is by NevillesSoulmate. 

Nothing to Hide by Infairi

Rated: MA18+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: The next generation of Hogwarts brings with it a new era of tales, romances, and drama. Headmistress Diana Diggory is a perfectionist who believes that her sole purpose in life is to establish a reputation for herself. It would be unwise, then, to fall for a slightly eccentric Charms teacher.

Ember by Infairi

Rated: MA18+ • 0 Reviews

Once a Slytherin, always a Slytherin...

Fighting Voices by Faded

Rated: MA18+ • 0 Reviews

What curses me, so that everytime I look upon your face with love I see those demons that hold us both in their wicked dance. It hurts us both darling. You need not fight this alone.

The Dare by Horcrux Stealer

Rated: R15+ • 12 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: The next seven days may be the worst days of Ginny Weasley's life...or maybe not. During these seven days, Ginny realizes never to judge a book by its cover.

Coming Home by juls

Rated: MA18+ • 4 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Coming home for some was a struggle, and no less was it Charlie Weasley. The Final Battle had left him in a state confusion. Battle worn, he'd fled to back to his dragons to heal. Now, a few years later, Charlie returns for Harry and Ginny's wedding. Plus maybe to claim the girl he'd left behind? (My baby gift to Devoted Secrets)

Banner by Elissandranne ll Beta'd by Jim ll Companion Fic to Circle of Love

Time to Go by Georgia Weasley

Rated: MA18+ • 6 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: gluttonytimetogo

On a rare night out without the kids, Hermione finds herslf frustrated with her inability to get Ron's attention amid the crowd of Quidditch talking friends. Finally, she discovers a sure method to turn his head.

Defining Moments by eHPF

Rated: MA18+ • 54 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star

In every life there is a turning point, a defining moment in which a choice hangs in the balance. And when this choice is made, lives will alter, people will be forever changed, and the world will never be quite the same. We invite you to step into the lives of our most beloved characters and glimpse each pivotal decision that made them the people they have become. We present to you the eHPF Defining Moments Collaboration.

amazing banner by NevillesSoulmate

Addict by SpringTime

Rated: MA18+ • 14 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Gluttony Addict Thanks to sweet_dreamsOx from TDA for the beautiful banner. We all have that desire, that need for something. It is inside of us urging us on, moving us forward. Hermione has been heading in a downward spiral and only one person will be able to help her, but will she be able to accept help from him?
Rated Mature for a reason!!!

Beneath an Unforgiving Moon by BKL8008

Rated: MA18+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarstar

From within the walls of Azkaban Prison, Fenrir Greyback confesses his one, only, sin.

A Christmas Collection by Jessi

Rated: R15+ • 7 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star

I don't know about the rest of you, but I love Christmas. So, I've decided on TWELVE pairings (maybe more), each of which will get a short Christmas story, set to a Christmas song (not song fics, I promise!) Lots of canon pairings, some fanon pairings as well! Enjoy! Merry Christmas - or happy Holidays!

The Visitor by potterverse

Rated: R15+ • 6 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: The dark figure pondered whether or not to allow the interloper inside, but since nothing had happened to him for a very long time, his curiosity eventually got the best of him.

Whatever It Takes by Georgia Weasley

Rated: MA18+ • 3 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Photobucket

The battle is over, and Ginny searches desperately to find the man who holds her heart. Upon her discovery, her need to for him to hold her changes into a fierce desire to protect the one that saved them all, whatever it takes.

Of Dogs and Dragons by Labby

Rated: MA18+ • 105 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Banner by CarrieBerrie from TDA. Photobucket
In the Muggle town of Newberry, veterinarian, Emilia Reynolds, is mystified by a sudden streak of dog killings. When Charlie Weasley comes into town to try to capture the unknown threat, both of them learn more about life and love than they ever expected.

Not Without You by Elena, SAYS

Rated: R15+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarstar

Love can bring happiness, joy and make dreams come true. But love also brings pain, sadness and can take you to the darkest of places. What happens when someone looses a person they love and what will it take to get that person back? WRITTEN FOR JLHUFFLEPUFFF

Mark Me by SAYS

Rated: R15+ • 0 Reviews
Summary: Most of the Wizarding world painted Lord Voldemort as an evil monster...but to Bellatrix Lestrange, he was the perfect man. Handsome and powerful, the Dark Lord took her under his wing and taught her everything she knows about dark magic. This is Bella's untold story; how she went from being a typical Slytherin student to becoming Voldemort's most loyal Death Eater.WRITTEN FOR BLUE_SUEDE_SHOES

More Than A Feeling by juls

Rated: MA18+ • 3 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Sirius Black had always thought life would be easier as graduation approached. Growing up, leaving Hogwarts- starting an adult life was supposed to be the culmination of it all. He'd forgotten one thing- his feelings for a certain girl. (Fabulous banner by ElissandrAnne.) Companion story to Love Unrequited.

Abstinence by Bella_Portia

Rated: R15+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarstar

Magic is an astonishing force.  Its unforeseen consequences can bring joy or devastation.  It may force a realization that abstinence and desire are two sides of a single coin; and that the couple in this story engage these forces at their peril. 


What Goes Around…Comes Around… by Holly Ilex

Rated: MA18+ • 112 Reviews starstarstarstarstar

Awarded Best Novel Length in Gluttony's Pure Indulgence Awards, 2008.

The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher...Neville's free spirited Godmother...The love of Severus Snape's life...All the same woman?

The arrival of Anastasia Twigg-Jones at Hogwarts sets into motion a year of intrigue, revenge, laughter, secrets, love and murder that reaches into the past and impacts everyone's future.

Let's 'hang around' and watch the sparks and spells fly, shall we?

Will you? by Christie

Rated: MA18+ • 3 Reviews
The War is over the Good guys have one, Harrys got the perfet job the best of friends and a great... Girlfriend? Its time to pop the question, lets hope all goes smoothly

The Story by Christie

Rated: MA18+ • 0 Reviews
I sit here, quill perched upon parchment, breathing what breaths I have left. Do I have a right to tell this tale? I don't think so, but it needs to be told. Some have tried and most have failed but I am here, a historian, to tell you what happened all those years ago. Its a tale of friendship, of love, of loss and betrayal. What brought about the most famous feud in wizardry history? I have been given the answers and I bring them to you.

Return to the Future by SAYS

Rated: R12+ • 8 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: When Albus Potter meddles with time, more than one person from the past must help him. His own mother and Sirius Black help rescue the wizarding world as it is today.

The Edge of Night by shadowycorner

Rated: R15+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Their love story was built and crafted by lust and instinct instead of purity of the feeling. But sometimes, love doesn’t have to be forever, love doesn’t have to last, nor does it have to be true. Sometimes that little glimpse, and the sheer brief hesitance, the slight falter in one’s principles, is all that can change the course of great things. Even in many years to come.

Harry Potter and the Shattered Pieces by notenoughpotter

Rated: MA18+ • 4 Reviews
Summary: The Battle of Hogwarts is over. Voldemort has been defeated. This should be a time of celebration, but for Harry and the other survivors, the battle has yet to be truly won. (I try to stay canon as much as possible - minor "artistic" variations that don't interfere with final outcome.)